WHOA MY GOD. That was a really weird coincidence. I just reviewed on roll and click, and I look at your profile and I see that my dress-up game is on your favs! XD
Glad you liked it, that was one of my earlier games, really badly drawn when I look back at it XP, but thanks anyways. Oh and btw, I hope there is no hard feelings on my review, I didn't mean to be mean (XP)
I loled at Betty's comment (or at its ridiculousness). And if the "somebody else" is me, well thanks in advance for such support. I've creditted you in the author's comments. And I'm going to add the URL to yours right away.
Celtic-games (Updated )
Yes it is you, now you make me remember I didn't make the post for your game.
It's coming right away! - And thanks for the URL.